Spring/Summer 2015

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In March, Tim Barry came to Black Butte for his second boxcar show.

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Migratory Birds: After the Show. (photo by Tim Barry)

flyer for Spring 2015 Work Party

Flyer artwork by Trish Tripp.

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During the Spring Work Party we got two large searchlight signals mounted up and operating.

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Blacksmithing in the shop.

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We kicked off a major outdoor kitchen upgrade with the construction of a permanent roof built with wood milled by John Medaris, one of our board members and including pine poles from our land.

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For our annual Railroad Days event in June, we took our railbike, the "Bindlestiff Express", out for a spin. Guitar Whitey, who started riding freight trains in the Great Depression and was featuring in the PBS documentary "Riding the Rails", joined us for a ride.

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Dunsmuir re-instated its Railroad Days festival in 2015 and the BBCRC again participated in the parade, winning a prize for the best Railroad-themed float.

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After getting the basic framing done in May, we added the metal roof onto our outdoor kitchen during Railroad Days.

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Manzanita adornment to the outdoor kitchen.

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An acoustic boxcar music show for RR Days included Matt "Pond Scum" Michaels, the BBCRC's own Lauren Oakes, and then Rosie and her partner playing gypsy ballads from Eastern Europe.

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In mid-July the BBCRC put on a four-day event which attracted a good crowd including a film night in collaboration with the historic California Theatre in Dunsmuir.