Spring Work Party 2010
The photos below are from our Spring Work Party:
Group shot of just some of the 120+ attendees at our Spring Work and Music Party
Croatian Mike building new stairs for the boxcar
Flyer for Spring gathering
Maintenance work on the "Bindlestiff Express" railbike
Replacing tongue and groove wood on the reefer car
Our local taco truck came up from downtown Weed to supply us with tasty Mexican food all of Saturday afternoon
Juan closing up shop after a busy afternoon of taco sales
Taking a break and enjoying Rico's tacos
It wasn't all about work
"Couching out" at the Spring Work Party
Garden fence building
After an extended winter that seemed like it would never end, a lot of people helped out getting the garden going in mid-May
UP northbound passing Black Butte — still covered with lots of snow in mid-May