GN caboose X746 (rehab 2007)
In the Fall of 2007, realizing we faced an enormous task, we started restoration work on the X746. Right away we were assisted by a crew of skilled volunteers. Professional carpenter and BBCRC supporter Toby "Flange Squeal" Hardman came down from Portland for a week and was joined by Erez "Broke Toe" Rezo who drove over from Humboldt County. Together with our more regular crew at Black Butte and the the help of Photo Bill and others, we had a two-week blitz in September during which we completely tore off the old roof, including the cupola. North Bank Fred and Toby milled new cross-rafters that were reproductions of the unique design used in the curved caboose roof. We installed new structural beams and constructed an all new watertight roof. In the process we ended up tearing out much of the right rear side panel of the caboose as this was an area of excessive water damage over the years.
The water and snow damaged roof had to be completely removed. All the curved cross rafters also had to be replaced. Luckily we were able to salvage one good cross rafter to use as a template for the new ones
The cupola roof was also damaged and had to be removed
Caboose interior following removal of several tons of wood rat turds. A replacement caboose stove will eventually go into the area on the lower right corner, to the right of the metal coal bin
The more we uncovered, the more rot we found, especially on this "can of worms" section which we discovered had to be completely rebuilt
The top beam running along the side here also had to be removed. Then we milled and added on an all new beam. We recycled our temporary power pole in the process. A specialty lumber mill in McCloud was the only place we could find that as able to assist in milling the pole. Many local business people had read about our project in the paper and hooked us up with discounts and freebies
At this point we are wondering what is even holding the cupola in place! We have just replaced the beam that runs along the bottom in this section. The huge beam was donated by our neighbors Joe and Rick from across the tracks
The new top side beam has now been installed and we are starting to install the curved cross-rafters, all of which were milled in North Bank Fred's woodshop. This was tricky woodworking as the top and bottom of each rafter are both curved. Eventually, a new tongue and groove wood ceiling will be added to the interior
New framing is now apparent on the cupola and rear roof area
Final roofing work. The caboose is now sealed up and protected for the upcoming winter months. Restoration work will resume in late Spring, 2008
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